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Video Series


Programming of BODAS Display DI5

This training course covers programming a BODAS Display DI5 using the CODESYS 3.5 development platform. Learn how to effectively use the DI5's software and hardware features and implement individual requirements with CODESYS and the Rexroth software package.



Find here the link to the eLearning on our website for externals

Find here the link for internal use only

Contributor Bronze

Hello Dear Frank,

Last week I registered myself for the external DI5 E-learning.

But I can't still see any DI5 E-Learning on my Rexroth Academy Page.

Thanks in advance

Kind Regards

Community Manager
Community Manager


thank you for the request here. We will clarify the access issues with our Marketing department and come back to as soon we found a solution here.

for clarification: after registration on teh academy page there was no e-learning displayed?
Could you share a screenshot ?


Contributor Bronze

Thanks Dear Frank,

I have now acces to the E-Learning DI5.😊


Kind Regards