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Your central point of contact for our mobile electronics portfolio. Connect, learn and discuss with BODAS experts and peers. Quick and easy access to current information, documents and products.

Community Manager
Community Manager

The primary difference between tags and labels are the ways they are leveraged in the community.


Tags (also referred to as custom tags) are information that users can enter to their individual posts that helps in creating a taxonomy for other users when searching for something. Any user that has the permission to do so can use tags, though if you only limit tag usage to Moderators and Administrators, you may see a specific taxonomy become generated as your "trusted" users and community managers begin using the same types of tags across many posts. More information about tags specifically can be found here:


Labels are a different type of method to create meta-categories for topics as a whole and are configured by the original author of a topic or Knowledge Base article only. This can be used to help users that are browsing the community looking for posts on a specific overarching topic, or they can subscribe to labels if there is one that they find particularly interesting.
